Refine: verb; to bring to a fine or pure state; free from impurities or unwanted material to improve or perfect by pruning or polishing.

Counseling is a process that requires refining. With the guidance of a trained mental health professional, counseling allows you to explore who you are, where you come from, and who you want to become.
Maybe you are in a season that is causing you to look at areas that need pruning or polishing. Maybe a relationship is challenging you to grow and develop skills in new areas. Perhaps school or work have become burdensome, and you are not sure how to take the next step. Maybe grief or a specific event have led you here.
The counselors at Refinery are highly trained, specialized, mental health professionals with a heart to serve our clients in every season of life. Much like the act of refining in industry or nature, by pursuing counseling you are able to bring yourself to the purest state. By pruning and polishing away undesired things you make room for a finer you.
Refine has origins in the 16th century French word raffiner, meaning ‘improve by making small changes.’ My heart for your experience here is that you leave feeling cared for, seen, heard, and empowered to be the refiner of your own life.
– Ally Bayard, LPC
Founder of Refinery Counseling Center

Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction.
-Isaiah 48:1